Course Material
- Week 1 Introduction:Statistics and its Importance
- Week 2 Types of Statistics, variables and its types , scale of measurements
- Week 3 Graphical representation of data
- Week 4 Measures of central tendency: mean ,median and mode
- Week 5 Measures of central tendency: Harmonic mean and geometric mean
- Week 6 Measures of Variability
- Week 7 Moments and Skewness
- Week 8 Simple linear regression and Multiple regression
- Week 9 Correlation: Simple, Multiple, Partial and Rank Correlation
- Week 10 Index Number
- Week 11 Time Series Analysis
- Week 12 Probability
- Week 13 Discrete probability distribution
- Week 14 Continuous probability distribution
- Week 15 Normal probability distribution
- Week 16 Computer applications in statistics
- Chapters 16
- Department Noon Business School
- Teacher
Mr. Waseem Athar Haqqani