Course Material
- Week 1: Introduction to the Course Array Data Structure (insertion, deletion and searching in unsorted array)
- Array Data Structure (insertion, deletion and searching in Sorted array)
- Stack Data Structure with Stack Implementation using Array + Applications of stack + Different operations performed using stack
- Application of Stack: Conversion of Infix to Postfix string + Code for conversion from infix postfix (implementation)
- Evaluation of postfix expression +Code for Evaluation of postfix (implementation)
- Sorting: Insertion Sort, Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Recursive Techniques
- recursive Binary Search, Tower of Hanoi Implementation, Quicksort (Recursive Algorithm)
- MergeSort(Recursive Algorithm) and its Implementation
- Queue Data Structure and its implementation using Array, Introduction of linked list and stack implementation
- Chapters 9
- Department CS & IT
- Teacher
Mr. Muhammad Iqbal