Various definitions of community organization
Various definitions of community organization
•Organization is a group that works at all levels to improve the living standards of the society.
•The focus is to build equality across society in all streams - health care, environment, quality of education, access to technology, access to information etc.
Community Organization
•Community organization is a process in which people coming together to address issues that matter to them.
•Community organization is the representative of a community or a significant segment of a community, and is engaged in meeting human, educational, environmental, or public safety community needs.
Community Development
•Community Development is a continuous process of generating and efficiently allocating limited resources for achieving socially satisfying needs of the society.
In any country, the problem of community development comes under:
•Increasing the availability of all potential resources existing in the country.
•Improving the utilization of these resources.
•Community organization and community development are interrelated.
•To achieve the goals of community development the community organization method is used.
•Community development deals with the total development of a developing country that is economic, physical, and social aspects.
•For achieving total development community organization is used.
•In community development the aspects like democratic procedures, voluntary cooperation, self help, development of leadership, awareness and sensitization aspects are considered as important.
•The same aspects are also considered as important by community organization.