Course Material
- Week 1: Logarithmic, exponential and trigonometric functions
- Week 2: Differentiation of elementary functions, methods of differentiation and integration, significance of differentiation and integration.
- Week 3: Gases (van der Waal’s equation, critical Phenomena, Critical values of T, P andV., liquification of gases, molecular collisions, collision diameter, mean free path)
- Week 4: Liquids (viscosity, Parachor value, Refractive index, molar refraction and its applications
- Week 5: Dipole moment, Solids (Unit cells. Bragg crystal analysis, crystal structure of NaCl, powder method of crystal structure analysis).
- Week 6: Atomic Structure: De Brogile equation. Schrodinger wave equation, solution for particle in 1D box, quantization concept,
- week 7: Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, Pauli Exclusion Principle, Hund’s Rule
- Week 8: Mid Term Exam
- week 9: First law of thermodynamics, state functions, isothermal and adiabatic processes in ideal gases, heat capacity, reversible and irreversible processes.
- Week 10: Spontaneous and nonspontaneous processes, second law of thermodynamics, change of entropy with change in T, P andV.
- Week 11: Law of Mass Action, equilibrium constant, relationship between Kc, Kp, Kx and Ka and LeChaterlier’s Principle.
- Week 12: composition, ideal and non-ideal solutions. Raoult’s law. Colligative properties, ebullioscopy, cryoscopy, osmotic pressure, distillation and concept of azeotropes.
- Week 13: Zero, first and second order reaction, Arrhenius equation, activation energy,
- Week 14: Lindemann’s mechanism, collision theory and transition state theory. Conductance, dependence of conductance on the nature of solvent and temperature
- Week 15: Kohlrausch’s law and its applications, measurement of conductance strong and weak electrolytes, degree of dissociation.
- Week 16: Final Term Exam
- Chapters 16
- Department Chemistry(SCB)
- Teacher
Dr. Irfan Ullah