Course Material
- Week 1; Introduction to Bayesian Statistics
- Week 2; Application of Bayesian Statistics
- Week 3; Benifits of Bayesian Statistics
- Week 4; Prior information and Prior distributions
- Week 5; Prior distributions types
- Week 6; Posterior distributions: The posterior mean, median and mode
- Week 7; Loss functions
- Week 8; Bayes estimators under loss functions
- Week 9; Variances of univariate posterior distributions
- Week 10; Variances of bivariate posterior distributions
- Week 11; Methods of elicitation of prior distributions
- Week 12; Methods of elicitation of non informative factor
- Week 13; Bayesian Hypothesis Testing
- Week 14; Bayes factor
- Week 15; The highest density region
- Week 16; Posterior probability of the hypothesis.
- Chapters 16
- Department Statistics
- Teacher
Ms. Sadia Qamar