Assignments for sessional marks

Assignment 1: Agribusiness Management and Marketing

Title: Agribusiness Management and Marketing Strategies for Sustainable Agricultural Development

Assignment Task:

Write a comprehensive essay that addresses the concepts, features, and scope of Agribusiness Management, along with a focus on Agricultural Marketing. Discuss the elements and functions of management in the context of agribusiness. Explain the importance of agribusiness financial management and delve into the role of agricultural marketing in economic development. Highlight the challenges faced in agricultural marketing and the impact of the changing global landscape on agribusiness. Conclude by briefly introducing major trade agreements relevant to agribusiness.

Assignment Structure:


Briefly introduce the concept of Agribusiness Management and its importance in the agricultural sector.

Agribusiness Management: Concepts, Features, and Scope

Define agribusiness management and explain its key features.

Discuss the scope of agribusiness management, including its role in integrating agricultural production, processing, and distribution.

Elements and Functions of Management in Agribusiness

Outline the fundamental elements of management (planning, organizing, leading, and controlling) and their application in agribusiness.

Explain how each management function is relevant to agribusiness operations.

Agribusiness Financial Management

Describe the significance of financial management in agribusiness.

Discuss key financial management practices specific to agribusiness, such as budgeting, risk management, and investment decisions.

Agricultural Marketing: Role in Economic Development

Explain the concept of agricultural marketing and its role in enhancing economic development.

Highlight how effective marketing strategies can lead to increased farmer income and improved livelihoods.

Agricultural Marketing Challenges

Identify common challenges faced in agricultural marketing, such as market access, price volatility, and information asymmetry.

Discuss potential solutions or strategies to address these challenges.

Changing Global Landscape and Agribusiness

Analyze how the changing world, including technological advancements and trade liberalization, impacts agribusiness.

Emphasize the importance of adaptability and innovation in agribusiness operations.

Trade Agreements in Agribusiness

Introduce major trade agreements that have relevance to agribusiness, such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) agreements and regional trade pacts.


Summarize the key points discussed in the essay.

Emphasize the significance of effective agribusiness management and marketing for sustainable agricultural development in a dynamic global context.






Assignment 2: Agricultural Marketing Challenges and Trade Agreements

Title: Challenges in Agricultural Marketing and Their Implications on International Trade Agreements

Assignment Task:

Write an analytical essay that delves deeper into the challenges faced in agricultural marketing and their implications on international trade agreements. Explore the concept of absolute and comparative advantage in agribusiness trade, and analyze the patterns of trade. Briefly introduce major trade agreements that influence agribusiness trade.


Assignment Structure:



Provide an overview of the challenges prevalent in agricultural marketing and their impact on international trade agreements.

Agricultural Marketing Challenges Revisited

Elaborate further on the challenges faced in agricultural marketing, such as supply chain inefficiencies, post-harvest losses, and lack of infrastructure.

Discuss the implications of these challenges on the competitiveness of agricultural products in the global market.

Concept of Absolute and Comparative Advantage

Explain the concepts of absolute advantage and comparative advantage in agribusiness trade.

Provide examples illustrating how these concepts relate to agricultural products.

Patterns of Trade in Agribusiness

Analyze the patterns of trade observed in the agribusiness sector.

Discuss factors influencing the direction and volume of agribusiness trade, such as climatic conditions, technological advancements, and consumer preferences.

Impact of Agricultural Marketing Challenges on Trade Agreements

Discuss how challenges in agricultural marketing can affect the terms of international trade agreements.

Explore how trade barriers, subsidies, and tariff policies may be influenced by the need to address marketing-related issues.

Brief Introduction to Major Trade Agreements

Introduce key international trade agreements relevant to agribusiness, such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), and the European Union Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).


Summarize the main points discussed in the essay.

Emphasize the need for effective solutions to agricultural marketing challenges to ensure favorable terms in international trade agreements and promote global food security.