


Assignment 1. Reading and Writing Autobiography. Prepare an autobiography of yourself as a multilingual reader and writer. The purpose of this paper is to introduce yourself as a multilingual reader and writer to the professor.  Talk about how you learned to read and write in your home language (the language you learned as a baby on the laps of your parents and family members) and in Urdu and English: how easy or hard was reading and writing for you; at what age did you begin to read; at what age did you begin to write; in what language did you first learn to read and to write; if this was not Urdu or English, when did you learn to read and write in English; how well did you like reading and writing as a child?


Talk about yourself as a reader today: in what language(s) do you continue to read and write as an adult; for what purposes do you read and write (work, pleasure, study, religion, family connections, other); how often do you read for these purposes; what types of materials do you read (books, magazines, newspapers, etc.); what are your favorite books; what is easy or hard for you?


Talk about yourself as a reader to others: to whom do you read (such as your children, your nephews and nieces, your students, the elderly); in what language(s) do you read to others; how often do you read to others; what do you read to others; under what circumstances do you read to others; how enjoyable is it and why or why not?

The paper must be three pages in length.


Assignment 2. Oral Tradition. Collect an oral story from someone in your family, community, or friend.  Write or record the story.  Think about how this story could be used in a classroom to stimulate students’ storytelling and writing in a classroom.  In a two-page paper, summarize the story and explain how you would use it with students. Remember to attach the story you collect to the paper.

Assignment 3. Model of Print Rich Environment. Working together in a group the students will develop a model of a print rich environment, complete with word wall and classroom charts on reading.  Select a topic that is understudy in the classroom.  It can be a science, social studies, literature, or math topic.  In a two-page paper describe the environment.  A map of the classroom with labels may be helpful and should be attached to the two page paper.


Assignment 4. Prepare a Guided Reading Lesson.  Design a Guided Reading lesson to be taught to a small group or individual student.  Based on previous knowledge of the student’s reading level, choose an appropriate book and complete the Guided Reading Lesson Plan. Conduct the lesson and reflect on it. Prepare a paper three page paper in which you answer the following:


1.   Student(s):  Who are the student(s) you worked with?  Include a description of their ages, grade levels, and language backgrounds.

2.   Book/Materials:  What book/materials did you choose?  Explain why you chose these materials.

3.   Evaluation of Lesson:  Did you follow your plan as written or did you have to adapt

the plan?  Describe what the student(s) did during the lesson?  In what ways was it successful?  In what areas did you experience difficulty?  What would you do differently next time?




Remember to attach the Guided Reading Lesson Plan Template to your paper.