Week 7 Concept of State and Kinds of state
Lecture 6
Concept of State and Kinds of State
- Introduction to the terms
Nation, Nation-state, City-state, Country
- Attributes of State
Article 1 of Montevideo Convention on rights and Duties of state 1933.
- Defined Territory
- Permanent population
- Sovereignty
Supreme, Absolute, Universal, independent, Indivisible
- Government
- Rights of State
- Equality
- Independence and Sovereign
- Territorial Integrity
- Self Defence and Preservation
- Duties of State
- Non Intervention
- Respect for Human Rights and Freedoms
- Maintain International Peace and Security
- Settle Disputes by peaceful means
- Kinds of State
Federal State
Vassal State
Protectorate State
Condominium State
Neutralized State
- Position of Vatican City
- Position of Tibet
- Position of Hong Kong