Functional Specification Document

Functional Specifications Document



  1. Purpose of Document

Describe the purpose of this document and provide a description of the intended audience i.e., the personnel who will be reading this document.


  1. Project Overview

State a brief description of the project under study. Describe how the software will be used and identify the relevant goals and benefits.


  1. Scope

List down the scope of the project. Describe what the system will and will not do.


2.Functional Requirements

This section should contain a textual description of the requirements related to the customer’s business. This should contain a list of all the business events related to the business process.


1.System Architecture

This section should provide the complete architecture of the system with a description. Diagrammatic architecture is compulsory. Also include Data Flow Diagrams in this section.  

2.Use Cases


  1. Use Case Diagrams

In this section provide use case diagrams using UML convention.


  1. Use Case Description

Each Use Case has a description, which describes the functionality that will be built in the proposed system. The template for Use Case description will is given below (template is given  on next page):