Week 05-06: Diode Applications - I.
Learning Outcomes:
● Understand the concept of load-line analysis and how it is applied to diode networks.
● Become familiar with the use of equivalent circuits to analyze series, parallel, and series-parallel diode networks.
● Understand the process of rectification to establish a dc level from a sinusoidal ac input.
● Be able to predict the output response of a clipper and clamper diode configuration.
● Become familiar with the analysis of and the range of applications for Zener diodes
The construction, characteristics, and models of semiconductor diodes were introduced in the previous chapter. This chapter will develop a working knowledge of the diode in a variety of configurations using models appropriate for the area of application. By chapter’s end, the fundamental behavior pattern of diodes in dc and ac networks should be clearly understood. The concepts learned in this chapter will have significant carryover in the chapters to follow. For instance, diodes are frequently employed in the description of the basic construction of transistors and in the analysis of transistor networks in the dc and ac domains.
Lesson Plan:
Lecture 01: Load-Line Analysis
Lecture 02: Series Diode Configurations
Lecture 03: Parallel and Series–Parallel Configurations
Lecture 04: AND/OR Gates
Lecture 05: Sinusoidal Inputs; Half-Wave Rectification
Lecture 06: Full-Wave Rectification