Week 12

Lecture 1 & 2

Security Issues for Cloud Computing:

  1. The gap in Security
  2. Unwanted Access
  3. Vendor Lock-in
  4. Inadequate Data Deletion
  5. Compromise of the Management Interface
  6. Backup Vulnerabilities
  7. Isolation Failure
  8. Missing Assurance and Transparency
  9. Inadequate Monitoring, Compliance, and Audit

Privacy issues in Cloud:

  1. Lack of user control
  2. Lack of Training and Expertise
  3. Unauthorized Secondary Usage
  4. The complexity of Regulatory Compliance
  5. Addressing Transborder Data Flow Restrictions
  6. Legal Uncertainty

Trust Issues for Cloud Computing:

  1. Trust in the Clouds
  2. Lack of Consumer Trust
  3. Weak Trust Relationships
  4. Lack of Consensus about Trust Management Approaches to be used





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