Documentation of Pharmaceutical care

 Documentation of pharmaceutical care.
Formulate a FARM note or SOAP note
To describe and document the interventions intended or provided by the pharmacist . Some healthcare facilities may specify one format over the other; pharmacists need to become proficient in each.
1. Format of a FARM note a.

F = findings. The patient -specific information that gives a basis for, or leads to the recognition of a pharmacotherapy problem or indication for pharmacist intervention. Within the FARM format , findings include subjective and objective information about the patient .

b. A = assessment .The pharmacist 's evaluation of the findings, including statements of :
(1) Any additional information that is needed to best assess the problem to make recommendations
(2) The severity, priority, or urgency of the problem
(3) The short - term and long- term goals of the intervention proposed or provided.
(a) Examples of short - term goals: eliminate symptoms, lower blood pressure (BP) to 140/90 mm Hg within 6 weeks, manage acute asthma flare up without requiring hospitalization
(b) Examples of long- term goals: prevent recurrence, maintain BP at <130/80 mmHg, prevent progression of diabetic nerve disease c. R = resolution (including prevention) . The intervention plan includes actual or proposed actions by the pharmacist or recommendations to other healthcare professionals. The rationale for choosing a specific intervention should be stated.
Intervention options may include the following:
(1) Observing, reassessing, or following—no intervention necessary at this time. If no action was taken or recommended, the FARM note serves as a record of the event and should constitute part of the patient 's pharmacy char t or database.
(2) Counseling or educating the patient or caregiver
3) Making recommendations to the patient or caregiver
(4) Informing the prescriber
(5) Making recommendations to the prescriber
(6) Withholding medication or advising against use d.

M = monitoring and follow-up. The parameters and timing of follow-up monitoring to assess the efficacy, safety, and outcome of the intervention. This portion of the
FARM note should include the following:
(1) The parameter to be followed.
(2) The intent of the moni toring.
(3) How the parameter will be monitored.
(4) Frequency of monitoring.
(5) Duration of monitoring.
(6) Anticipated or desired finding.
(7) Decision point to alter therapy when or if outcome is not achieved.