Week 14: The United Nations (Part I)
The United Nations (UN) is an international organization. It is a global association of governments facilitating cooperation in international law, international security, economic development, and social progress. It was founded in 1945 by 51 states, replacing the League of Nations; as of 2015 it consists of 193 member states. The creation of the United Nations Organization represents the second major effort (the creation of the League of Nations was the first effort) in the twentieth century for the purpose of maintaining international peace and security through a general international organization of states.this part will discuss how and when was the United Nations created? What is its nature? For what purposes was it created? What are its principles? How is it structured? How can it maintain international peace and security, its primary purpose? How has it evolved since its creation?
The answers to all the above questions are dealt with in the following two Parts.
1. deals with the genesis/ History of the United Nations, its Charter, its purposes and principles, its membership, and its budget.
2. deals with the organizational structure of the United Nations.