Course Material
- Week 1: Introduction to Classes And Objects
- Week 2: Defining member functions inside or outside the class
- Week 3: Access specifier & Working of Objects
- Week 4: Types of Constructor and Destructor
- Week-5: const and static (Object and Member function), Nameless Temporary Object,Practical work
- Week-6: Operator Overloading (Unary Operator, Binary Operator)
- Week-7: Operator overloading (arithmetic assignment, Comparison Operator), Class string with Operator Overloading
- Week-8: Subscript Operator Overloading,Array Overloading, Overloading Assignment and Copy Constructor
- Week-9: DATA Types conversion: User Define Data Type to Basic , Basic to User Define conversion
- Week 10: Overview of Inheritence
- Chapters 10
- Department CS & IT
- Teacher
Sana Manzoor