Course Material
- Week 14-15 Redefining development goals: distribution from growth; Growth with improved income distribution
- Week 12-13: Relationship between growth, poverty and income distribution
- Week 10-11: Poverty: Poverty profile, sources and consequences
- Week 9: Mid Term Exam
- Week 7-8: growth characteristics contributing towards poverty
- Week 5-6: Models for the Analysis of Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture.
- Week 3-4: Interdependence between Agricultural growth and Economic Growth,
- Week 1-2: Models of Agricultural Growth; Determinants of Urban Rural Disparity, Role of Technology in Agricultural Growth
- Week 16-17: Poverty alleviation policies: policy options: some basic consideration for pro-poor growth, Poverty equivalent growth approach. Case studies on growth and poverty in Pakistan.
- Week 18: Final Term Exam
- Chapters 10
- Department Economics
- Teacher
Dr. Ahmad Raza Cheema