week13:Binomial theorem with rational and irrational indices.
The topic at the page number 215 of the recomended book of Doleiani MP, Wooton W, Becknback EF, Sharron S, "Algcbra and rignometry 1978, Houghuon and Mifrilin.Kaufimann JE. Coliege Algebra and trigonometry, 1978, PWS-Kent Company, Boston. dition), 1986, PWS-Kent Compahy, Boston. Hogg, R. M. & Craig, A. T. "Introduction to Mathematical Statistics
Course Material
- week1:Proliminaries: Real Number system, Complex Numbers,
- week2: Introductíon to sets. set operation, function and its types
- week3: Matrices: Introduction to matrices, types of matrices, Matrix inverse, deteminants
- week4: system of linear equations, Cramer's rule.
- week5: Solution of quadratic equations,
- week6: equation reduces to quadratic equatíons, cube roots of unity,
- week7:relation between roots and coefficients of quadratic equations.
- week8: Qution of system of equations
- week9 :Sequences and Series: Arimetic Progression, Arithmetic Mean, geometrc Progression, Gcometric Mean,
- week10 :Harmonic Progression, Harmonic Mean
- week11: Fourier transforms, Taylor series, Inverse Series. Orthogonal Polynomials,
- week12:Binomial Thcorem: Introduction to Mathematical Induction,
- week13:Binomial theorem with rational and irrational indices.
- week14: Trigonometry,
- week15: Eigenvalues and Eigen vectors,
- week16: Gamma and Beta functions with applications
- Chapters 16
- Department Statistics
- Teacher
Hafiz Muhammad Waqas