Week 15: Sinusoids and Phasors

In previous lessons, Our analysis has been limited for the most part to dc circuits, those circuits excited by constant or time-invariant sources. We have restricted the forcing function to dc sources for the sake of simplicity, for pedagogic reasons, and also for historic reasons. Historically, dc sources were the main means of providing electric power up until the late 1800s. At the end of that century, the battle of direct current versus alternating current began. Both had their advocates among the electrical engineers of the time. Because ac is more efficient and economical to transmit over long distances, ac systems ended up the winner. Thus, it is in keeping with the historical sequence of events that we considered dc sources first.

We begin with a basic discussion of sinusoids and phasors. We then introduce the concepts of impedance and admittance.

Video Links:

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlmwmvijn1Y&list=PLwjK_iyK4LLBN9RIDQfl9YB4caBYyD_uo&index=20&t=0s
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaFrY0qQ-NU&list=PLwjK_iyK4LLBN9RIDQfl9YB4caBYyD_uo&index=21&t=0s