Week 16: Advance Machining (Laser beam machining, Electron beam machining)
Laser Beam Machining
Laser beam have wide industrial applications including some of the machining processes. A laser is an optical transducer that converts electrical energy into a highly coherent light beak. One must know the full name of laser, it stands for “light amplification of stimulated emission of radiation”. Laser being coherent in nature has a specific property, if it is focused by conventional optical lenses can generate high power density.
Working Principle of LBM
LBM uses the light energy of a laser beam to remove material by vaporization and ablation. The working principle and the process details (setup) are indicated in Figure 5.6. In this process the energy of coherent light beam is focused optically for pre-decided longer period of time. The beam is pulsed so that the released energy results in an impulse against the work surface that does melting and evaporation. Here the way of metal removing is same as that of EDM process but method of generation of heat is different. The application of heat is very finely focused in case of LBM as compared to EDM