Week 3: Fertilization in Sea urchin and Mammals
Week 3: Fertilization in Sea urchin and Mammals
Gamete transport
Gamete recognition and binding
Block to polyspermy
Fusion of nuclei
Activation of egg cytoplasm (response)
Source: Gilbert (2013) pp. 161-180
Gilbert, S, F., 2013. Developmental Biology (10th Edition). Sinaur Associates Inc.,Publisher, Sunderland, MA.
Course Material
- Week 1: Introduction to Developmental Biology
- Week 2: Gametogenesis
- Week 3: Fertilization in Sea urchin and Mammals
- Week 4: Cleavage
- Week 5: Cleavage and Gastrulation in Sea Urchin
- week 6: Cleavage and Gastrulation in Amphibians
- Week7: Cleavage and gastrulation in birds
- Week 8: Cleavage and gastrulation in mammals
- Week: 9 Cellular Basis of Morphogenesis
- week 10: Cellular basis of morphogenesis &Mechanism of cellular differentiation
- Week 9: Mid term Exam
- Week 11-12: . Organogenesis
- Week 13; Factors controlling growth and oncogenesis
- Week 14-15: Post embryonic Development and metamorphosis
- Week 16: Regeneration in vertebrates
- Week 17: Hormones as mediators of development
- Week 18: Final Term Examination
- Chapters 17
- Department Zoology
- Teacher
Saira Batool