Course Material
- Week 1: Extensions of Mendelian Analysis: Variations on dominance, multiple alleles, lethal alleles
- Week 2: Several genes affecting the same character, penetrance and expressivity
- Week 3: Linkage I: Basic Eukaryotic Chromosome Mapping : The discovery of linkage, recombination, linkage symbolism, linkage of genes on the X chromosome
- Week 4: Linkage maps, three-point test cross, interference, linkage mapping by recombination in humans
- Week 5: Linkage II: Special Eukaryotic Chromosome Mapping Techniques: Accurate calculation of large map distances, analysis of single meiosis
- Week 6: Mitotic segregation and recombination, mapping human chromosomes.
- Week 7: Recombination in Bacteria and their Viruses: Bacterial chromosome, bacterial conjugation, bacterial recombination and mapping the E.coli chromosome
- Week 8: Bacterial transformation, bacteriophage genetics, transduction, mapping of bacterial chromosomes, bacterial gene transfer.
- Week 10: The Structure of DNA: DNA: The genetic material, DNA replication in eukaryotes, DNA and the gene
- Week 11: The Nature of the Gene: How genes work, gene- protein relationships, genetic observations explained by enzyme structure, genetic fine structure, mutational sites, complementation.
- Week 12: DNA Function: The genetic code, Transcription
- Week 13: Protein synthesis, universality of genetic information transfer, eukaryotic RNA. Translation
- Week 14: The Extranuclear Genome: Variegation in leaves of higher plants, cytoplasmic inheritance in fungi
- Week 15: Extranuclear genes in chlamydomonas, mitochrondrial genes in yeast, extragenomic plasmids in eukaryotes
- Week 16: Developmental Genetics: Gene Regulation and Differentiation, Crown gall disease in plants, cancer as a developmental genetic disease
- Week 17: Population Genetics: Gene frequencies, conservation of gene frequencies, equilibrium, Hardy-Weinberg law, factors affecting gene equilibrium
- Chapters 18
- Department Botany
- Teacher