Planning in Agri. Extension

The word 'programme' has several distinct meanings in the dictionary. It mans a proclamation, a prospectus, a list of events, a plan of procedure, a course of action prepared or announced before hand, a logical sequence of operations to be performed in solving a problem. When used by an organization, it means a prospectus or a statement issued to promote understanding and interest  in an enterprise. According to Kelsey and Hearne (1949), an "extension programme" is a statement of situation, objectives, problems and solutions'. Lawrence (1962) says that an "extension programme" is the sum total of all the activities and undertakings of a county extension services. It includes: (i) programme planning process; (ii) written programme statement; (iii) plan of work; (iv) programme execution; (v) results; and (vi) evaluation.The dictionary meaning of 'process' is 'any phenomenon which shows a continuous change in time' or 'any continuous operation or treatment'. If we accept this concept of process, we view events and relationships as dynamic, ongoing, ever-changing and continuous. When we label something as a process, we also mea that it does not have a beginning, an end, a fixed sequence of events. It is not static, at rest. The basis for the concept of process is the belief that man cannot discover the structure of physically reality; man must create it.