Course Material
- Out line of the course
- Recommended books
- Week 1. Introduction about chemicals used as pesticides
- Week 2. Chemical control in integrated pest management
- Week 3. Pesticides interfering with processes important to all organisms
- Week 4. The Fungicides Market, Fungicide Discovery
- Week 5. Fungicide Performance
- Week 6. Fungicide Resistance
- Week 7. Strategy and Tactics in the use of fungicides
- Week 8. Mode of action of pesticides
- Week 9. Mid test
- Week 10. Formulation of pesticides, Spray droplets, Hydraulic nozzles
- Week 11. Manually carried hydraulic sprayers, Power-operated hydraulic sprayers
- Week 12. Air-assisted sprayers, Controlled droplet application
- Week 13. Electrostatically charged sprays, Aerial application, Spray drift, 275-337
- Week 14. Application of biopesticides Maintenance of equipment Safety precautions
- Week. 15. Legislation and Regulation
- Week 16. The Future Prospects for Fungicides and Fungal Disease Control
- Chapters 18
- Department Plant Pathology
- Teacher
Dr. Muhammad Usman Ghazanfar