Course Material
- Week 1: Functions of language and context.
- Week 2: What is discourse?
- Week 3: SFL approach to Text analysis
- Week 4: Interactional approach to discourse
- Week 5: Critical linguistics and text linguistics
- Week 6: Development in discourse and discourse studies
- Week 7: Fairclough Model of discourse analysis
- Week 8: Ruth Wodak historical discourse model
- Week 9: Discourse and ideology
- Week 10: Discourse and power
- Week 11: Discourse and culture
- Week 12: Discursive and Coercive practices in languages
- Week 13: Register analysis
- Week 14: Genre analysis
- Week 15: Multi-modality and multi-model analysis
- Week 16: Positive discourse analysis
- Chapters 16
- Department English
- Teacher
Ms. Tazanfal Tehseem