Week 01-02: An Overview of C++, Expressions.


Learning Outcomes:

  • To understand C++ is to understand the forces that drove its creation, the ideas that shaped it, and the legacy it inherits. Thus, the story of C++ begins with C. This chapter presents an overview of the C programming language, its origins, its uses, and its underlying philosophy. Because C++ is built upon C, this chapter provides an important historical perspective on the roots of C++. Much of what “makes C++, C++” had its genesis in the C language.

  • These lessons examine the most fundamental element of the C (as well as the C++) language: the expression. As you will see, expressions in C/C++ are substantially more general and more powerful than in most other computer languages. Expressions are formed from these atomic elements: data and operators. Data may be represented either by variables or by constants. Like most other computer languages, C/C++ supports a number of different types of data. It also provides a wide variety of operators.


Lesson Plan:

Lecture 01: Introduction to the "Computational Physics"; Introduction to the course contents and parts of the course, Benefits of studying this course.

Lecture 02: Detailed discussion on all three parts of this course i.e.:

  • Programing Language (c++)

  • Numerical Analysis

  • Case Studies

Lecture 03: Discussion on (a) C Is a Structured and Middle-Level Language, (b) The Form of a C Program, (c) The Library and Linking.

Lecture 04: Learning (a) Separate Compilation, (b) Data Types (c) Identifier Names, Variables

Lecture 05: Studying (a) Declaration of Variables, (b) The const and volatile Qualifiers, (c) Static Variables

Lecture 06: Studying (a) Variable Initializations, (b) Constants, (c) Operators i.e. Increment and Decrement etc.