Week # 12-13: Environment, inflation & sustainable development
- Model of environment and economic activity
- Environmental externalities and market intervention
- Discount rate
- Renewable and Non-renewable resources
- Environmental values
- National income accounting
- Economic growth and environment
- Sustainable development
- Natural capital and equity
- Climate change and Stern Review
- Climate change and the poor
- International agencies, agreements and environment
- Approaches to financing development
- Forms of saving
- Capacity and willingness to save
- Financial systems and economic development
- Informal financial sector
- Developing a banking system
- Rural financial intermediaries; micro-credit and development banks
- Financial intermediaries
- Financial liberalisation
- Fiscal policy, taxation and tax reform
- Inflation, saving and growth: Keynes and inflation tax
- Dangers of inflation, and inflation targeting
- Structuralist-monetarist debate in Latin America