Ratios & proportions

Student Learning Outcomes: After studying this unit, students will be able to:

• Define continued ratio and recall direct and inverse proportion.

• Solve real life problems (involving direct and inverse proportion) using unitary method and proportion method.

• Solve real life problems related to time and work using proportion.

• Find relation between time and distance (i.e. speed).

• Convert units of speed (kilometer per hour into meter per second and vice versa).

• Solve variation related problems involving time and distance.

Introduction: Suppose someone uses 3 cups of water and 1 cup of milk to prepare tea. We can compare these two quantities by using the term of ratio. Water and milk are in the ratio of 3:1. Thus, the ratio is a comparison between the two or more quantities of the same kind which can be written by putting a colon (:) among them. A ratio is the numerical relation between two or more quantities having the same unit. Further detailed content consult MATH 7th PTB Unit 6 :"Direct and Inverse Variations"

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