The dacoity crime is committed by the criminals called Dacoits. The Oxford English Dictionary of Historical Principles defines that world “Dacoit” is driven from Hindi “Dakit” taken from “Dakata” which is taken from “Dashtaka” a Sansakrit word, that menas compressed, crowded…….. Dacoit means member of a class of robbers in India and Burmah who plunder in armed bands (Oxford, 1978).
In another definition is said that Dacoity means an act of robbery with violence, committed by an armed band (Ibid.). According to Chambers Encyclopedia, Dacoits are the formerly large gangs of hereditary professional bandits in India who raided country side (Chamber, 1970).
According to Pakistan Penal code in its Section 391 the crime of Dacoity is described as “when five or more persons conjointly commit or attempt to commit a Robbery ………… is to commit a dacoity” (PPC, 1860) and same definition is given in the Indian Penal Code.