Lesson Plan

Lecture No

1 Agricultural Sector Major crops,cash crops and cultivated area

2 Irrigated and un-irrigated area Agricultural inputs

3 Industry: Small, medium and large scale industries,Major industries Employment,capital output ratio and industrial policy and prospects

4 Population: Population trend, birth rate, fertility rate, infant mortality rate, rural urban migration, male/female ratio, life expectancy and population pyramid.

5 Education: Number of male/female educational institutions,student enrolment, teacher/student ratio, literacy ratio and education policy.

6 Health: Number of hospitals, doctors and paramedical staff; Number of medical colleges, major diseases, access to clean water and sanitation.

7 Services industry: Major services, hotels and motels, tourism and transportation.

8 Foreign trade: Major imports and exports, commercial policy, tariffs and quotas, export subsidies and rebate, foreign exchange earnings and balance of trade

9 Monetary Policy: Role of State Bank of Pakistan in money supply, tools of monetary policy, open market operation, bank rate and required reserve ratio

10 Fiscal Policy: Direct and indirect taxes, excise duty, government budget and government expenditure

11 Banking: Commercial banking, non-banking financial institutions,insurance companies, mutual funds, investment banks, consumer banking and interest-free banking

12 Inflation: Measurement of inflation, consequences of inflation, inflation and unemployment.

13 Labor Force: Male/female, skilled/unskilled,rural/urbanselfemployed/employed labor force and manpower planning.

14 GDP: Measurement of GDP, composition of GDP, growth rate of GDP, per capita GDP and growth vs. development

15 Capital Markets: Stock exchanges and their functioning, role of Security Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP), stock index, and foreign portfolio investment 16 Infrastructure: Roads, railway, airplanes and merchant ships, telephone, radio, tv, print media and Internet