
A person remaining at high altitudes for days, weeks, or years becomes more and more acclimatized to the low Po2, so it causes fewer deleterious effects on the body. And it becomes possible for the person to work harder without hypoxic effects or to ascend to still higher altitudes.

after this lesson students will be able to know


The principal means by which acclimatization comes about are


(1) a great increase in pulmonary ventilation,

(2) increased numbers of red blood cells,

(3) increased diffusing capacity of the lungs,

(4) increased vascularity of the peripheral tissues, and

(5) increased ability of the tissue cells to use oxygen despite low Po2...

natural eclimatization:

Many native human beings in the Andes and in the Himalayas live at altitudes above 13,000 feet—one group in the Peruvian Andes lives at an altitude of 17,500 feet and works a mine at an altitude of 19,000 feet. Many of these natives are born at these altitudes and live there all their lives. In all aspects of acclimatization, the natives are superior to even the best-acclimatized lowlanders, even though the lowlanders might also have lived at high altitudes for 10 or more years.