Introduction and Objectives / Learning Outcomes
Leadership is a discussion in every issue and everybody recognize how essential and valuable leadership is. Why some companies, teams, and schools do well as other fails? The credit or fault generally goes to the manager, coach, or principal. In school’ scenario the principal has to accept these consequences, as he occupies a distinct and key responsibility that has an effect on the quality of schooling. The questions about school scenario are (i) what is the main purpose of school (ii) How their students learn in the school (iii) How he coordinates all the activities i.e. students, teachers and curriculum. The focus of this article was on the theoretical basis of the instructional leadership and to review the model to build up the understanding of instructional leadership.
Objectives & Learning Outcomes
Add After studying the course, the students will be able to:
- Understand concepts, theories and models of educational leadership and management
- Differentiate between the concept of leadership and management
- Describe different roles and responsibilities of leadership
- List the different qualities and skills of effective leadership
- Explain different styles of leadership and their implication for educational institutions improvement
- Demonstrate effective leadership and management practices
- Apply key theories of leadership to their own working environment
- Explore ways in which educational management and leadership can contribute to improving quality of teaching and learning process
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Seminars in instructional Leadership and Supervision
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Mid exam: 30
Project and Presentation 20
Final exam: 50
Total 100
Recommended Book
Bush, T. (2003) Theories of educational leadership and management. London: Sage.
Suggested Books
Law, S. (2000) Educational leadership and learning: Practice, policy, and research. Buckingham: Open University Press.
Brent, D. (2003) Handbook of educational leadership and management. London: Pearson Education.
Davies, B. (2003) Handbook of educational leadership and management. London: Pearson Education.