Course Code: ZOL-605

Credit Hours: 4 (3+1)

Instructor: Dr Sajida Batool



  1. This course provides a broad and multi-disciplinary approach to the complex and dynamic relationships between parasites and their hosts.
  2. This course offers an overview of the biological and epidemiological bases of important parasitic diseases and an understanding of the impact of parasitic diseases on endemic communities. Both protozoan parasites (unicellular parasites) and parasitic helminths (parasitic worms) will be considered with emphasis on the most important parasites of humans.


Students will be able to know various ecological interactions through this course. It will provide extensive information regarding parasitic diseases, types of parasites and the vectors responsible to spread these diseases. Students get awareness about preventive measures against various epidemic diseases. This course covers major parasitic human and cattle diseases which will help the student in practical life.


  1. Introduction to Parasitology. Relationship to other sciences, parasitology and human welfare. Parasites of domestic and wild animals. Campers in parasitology. Some basic definitions. Basic principles and concepts. Parasite ecology and evolution. Basic principles and concepts. Immunology and pathology. Susceptibility and resistance, innate defense mechanisms. Acquired immune response in vertebrates. Immunity in invertebrates. Immunodiagnosis, pathogenesis of parasitic infections. Accommodation and tolerance in the host-parasite relationship.
  2. Parasitic protozoa, form, function and classification: Kinetoplasta, trypanosomes and their kin, forms of trypanosomatidae. Other flagellated protozoa, order Retortamonadita, order Diplomonadida, order Trichomonadida, order Opalinida. The Amoebas. Order Amoebida, order Schizopyrenida. Phylum Apicomplexa, Gregarines, Coccidia and related organisms. The apical complex, class Gregarinea, class Coccidea. Phylum Apicomplexa, Malana, organisms, and pyroplasms, order Haemospondea, order Pyroplasmida. Phylum Ciliophora, ciliated protistan parasites, class Spirotoichea, class Litostomitea, class Oligohymenophorea. Phyla Microspora and Myxozoa. Parasites with polar filaments. Phylum Microspora, Phylum Myxozoa. The Mesozoa, pioneers or Degenerates. Class Rhombozoa, class orthonectida, Phylogenetic position, physiology and Host parasite relationship. Classification of Phylum Mesozoa.
  3. Systematics, morphology and biology of Arthropods (Causing or responsible for the transmission of disease). Chemical and non-chemical control of Arthropods of Medical and Veterinary importance.
  4. Pathology of Helminths: Host-parasite relationships and control of parasitic Helminths with particular reference to Helminths of Medical and Veterinary importance.


  1. Roberts, L.S. and Janovy, J. FOUNDATION OF PARASITOLOGY, 6thEdition. 2000. McGraw Hill Book Co.
  2. Hausman, K. and Hulsmann, N. T. PROTOZOOLOGY, 2nd Edition. 1996. Medical Publishers, Inc. New York.
  3. Burton J. Thomas N. Oeltmann, Human Parasitology, 5th edition. 2019.Academic Press. USA.        


  1. Preparation of temporary and permanent slides and identification of parasitic protozoan and local helminths of medical and veterinary importance.
  2. Section cutting of the infected tissues and the study of their pathology.
  3. Methods of collection, preservation and transportation of parasitic material.
  4. Qualitative and quantitative fecal examination for helminth ova.
  5. Collection, preservation and preparation of slides of local helminths and their identification.
  6. Identification of insects of medical and veterinary importance.


  • Sessional: 10% (Presentation= 5% and Participation:  5%)
  • Practical: 15%
  • Midterm exam/ Term paper: 25 %
  • Final exam: 50%

Course start date according to academic Calender= 13th  January 2020 ending on 8th May 2020.

Time Table:


MSc 4th semester (Regular) Paper: Parasitology (Optional)










Course Material