Course Title: Developmental Biology

Course Code: ZOL-508

Credit Hours: 3+1


This division of zoology will make students aware about various terminologies and principles of development followed by different animals including mammals. For propagation of species, there is the process of reproduction where there is the union of traits from parents in their gametes and the zygote formed proceeds through the phenomenon of development to the stage of its emergence resembling to parent. The course comprises of important features of development: gametogenesis, fertilization, mechanism of induction, differentiation, morphogenesis and understanding of organogenesis with major regulatory factors of each stage. The concept of all these developmental mechanisms will be communicated to the students of this course. Moreover, in the practical classes, students will know about the structure of gametes in representative organisms, study developmental stages by the help of prepared slides, spawning in frog and learn the methodology of preparing histological slides of chick embryo.


Students became aware of: 

  • transmission of traits from the parents in their gametes, the formation of zygote and its development
  • cellular basis of morphogenesis, mechanisms of cellular differentiation and induction.
  •  mechanisms of organogenesis, factors controlling growth and oncogenesis.


  1. Gilbert, S, F., 2013. Developmental Biology (10th Edition). Sinaur Associates Inc.,Publisher, Sunderland, MA.
  2. Balinsky, B. I., 1995. An Introduction to Embryology. Saunders
  3. Oppenheimer, S, S.,1984. Introduction to Embryonic Development. Allen and Bacon
  4. Internet source

1. Introduction                                                   10. Gastrulation in mammals

2. Gametogenesis                                             11. Cellular basis of morphogenesis

3. Spermatogenesis                                          12. Mechanism of cellular differentiation

4. Oogenesis                                                    13. Organogenesis

5. Fertilization                                                  14. Factors controlling growth and Oncogenesis

6. Cleavage                                                      15. Regeneration in vertebrates

7. Gastrulation in sea urchin                            16. Hormones as the mediator of development

8. Gastrulation in amphibians                         

9. Gastrulation in birds


  1. Study of the structure of gametes in some representative cases, i.e. frog, fish, fowl and a mammal.
  2. Study of cleavage and subsequent development from prepared slides and/or whole mounts in various animals i.e., frog, chick etc. Study of fertilization, early development of frog/fish through induced spawning under laboratory conditions.
  3. Preparation and study of serial sections of frog or chick embryos.
  4. Application of microsurgical techniques on chick embryos In vitro.Preparation and staining of histological slides.


  • Sessional: 10% (Presentation:  5% and Participation:  5%
  • Practical: 15%
  • Midterm exam/ Term paper: 25 %
  • Final exam: 50%

Course start date according to academic Calender= 13th  January 2020 ending on 8th May 2020.


BS 6th semester (Regular) Paper: Developmental Biology


10.00-12.00 (Prac)








Course Material