Introduction to the Endocrine System

The endocrine system, along with the nervous system, functions in the regulation of body activities. The nervous system acts through electrical impulses and neurotransmitters to cause muscle contraction and glandular secretion. The effect is of short duration, measured in seconds, and localised. The endocrine system acts through chemical messengers called hormones that influence growth, development, and metabolic activities. The action of the endocrine system is measured in minutes, hours, or weeks and is more generalized than the action of the nervous system.

By the end of this course, students will be able to learn about

1. Chemical structure and synthesis of hormones

2. Mechanisms of action of hormones

3. Pituitary hormones and their control by the hypothalamus

4. Thyroid metabolic hormones

5. Diseases of thyroid

6. Adrenocortical hormones and disorders

7. Insulin, glucagon and diabetes melitis

8. Parathyroid hormone and calcium regulating hormones


The following books are recommended for this course; 

  • Textbook of Medical Physiology, Guyton and Hall
  • Review of Medical Physiology, Ganong,W.F
  • Physiology Board Review Series, Costanzo, Linda S
  • Medical Physiology by Jaypee


At the end of this course, written(MCQs and SEQS) and viva test shall be held which would add up to the internal assessment of the students. Before annual prof, a sendup exam will be taken.

Course Material