The comparative education course highlights the analysis of the education system from comparative perspectives. Comparative Education analyses the educational system using data and techniques from other countries and designs policies to improve education. The education system in a country does not isolate from the education systems of other countries. With the requirement of equivalence in a global world, it is essential to compare Pakistan's education system with those of other developing and developed countries. Knowledge about the education systems of various countries helps policymakers reflect on education in the context of competition and excellence. It is, therefore, important for Instructors to be aware of the objective, curricula, teacher education, admission criteria, and staff recruitments of the education systems of other developed and developing countries. In this course, a comparison among various streams of education presents for the students. The study also provides an insight into the qualitative and quantitative methods of comparison.


Course Objectives: Students Learning Outcomes

After studying this course, the students will be able to:

1. Describe the meaning and significance of comparative education

2. Know the elements of comparative education

3. Understand different approaches within comparative education and be able to use and evaluate other methods in comparative studies

4. Compare different systems of Education in Pakistan

5. Compare the education systems of selected developed countries

6. Compare the education systems of selected developing countries

7. Analyze the education system of Pakistan critically

Course Material