Aims and Objectives
The course introduces the students to the underlying rules to acquire and use language in an academic context. The course aims at developing grammatical competence of the learners to use grammatical structures in the context to make the experience of learning English more meaningful enabling the students to meet their real-life communication needs. The objectives of the course are to, reinforce the basics of grammar, understand the basic meaningful units of language, and introduce the functional aspects of grammatical categories and to comprehend language use by practically working on the grammatical aspects of language in academic settings. After studying the course, students would be able to use the language efficiently in academic and real-life situations and integrate the basic language skills in speaking and writing. The students would be able to work in a competitive environment at higher education level to cater with the long term learners’ needs.
Tutor: Abroo Fatima
Program: BS Psychology 1st semester
Credit Hours: 03
Class Days: Monday and Tuesday
Class Timings: 8:00 to9:30
Assessment Criteria
Mid Term: 30 Marks
Assignment: 10 Marks
Participation: 5 Marks
Presentation: 5 Marks