Aims and Objectives

Language comprehension is considered as the foremost slant of day-to-day functioning. Comprehension skills are important to language fluency and crucial for basic survival in the educational and other systems of life. Therefore, the ultimate goal of plotting this course is to foster learner's accuracy of using language in terms of listening, speaking, reading, writing and presenting. Moreover, the course also aims at developing linguistic competence by focusing on basic language skills in integration to make the use of language in context. 



Tutor: Abroo Fatima

Program: BS Chemistry 3rd semester 


Credit Hours: 03

Class Days: Monday and Tuesday

Class Timings: 9:30-11:00am


Assessment Criteria 

Mid Term: 30 Marks

Assignment: 10 Marks

Participation: 5 Marks

Presentation: 5 Marks

Finals: 50 Marks