Course Code: LIS 6220

Instructor: TARIQ RASHEED             Credit Hours: 03

Email:[email protected]

Introduction to Course: 

                                       This course reviews the data practices in the social sciences and Islam. Students examine data sources, management, and analytical tools for the social sciences and Islam. Additionally, students explore newly developing technologies and analytical practices, including data visualization and big data methods for the social sciences, and ethical and policy considerations.


1.      An introduction to the major information sources and services in Social science and Islam (print and electronic) and proficiency in their evaluation and use

2.      Familiarity with the development and structure of scientific and technical literature.

3.      A feeling for the information needs and information-seeking habits of Social scientists for the approaches and methods used in research and development.

4.     Identify and evaluate the role social science data in academia, government, industry, and other organizations.

5.      Summarize emerging data practices in the social sciences and Islam.

6.      Analyze and evaluate best practices for data management in the social sciences and Islam.

7.    Analyze and evaluate tools, technologies, and data analytic practices in the social sciences and Islam.

8.       Create data analysis plans for social science data and Islam.


Course Description

                                Nature of Information Sources; Scientific & Technical Communication; Approaching Scientific & Technical Information; Information needs and information-seeking behavior of Social scientists ; the basic forms of scientific and technical literature with an emphasis on bibliography; information centers and services; primary journals; specialized formats such as technical reports; maps, patents, and standards; scientific societies and their role in scientific and technical communication; the variety and importance of scientific and technical publishers; and the sociology and methodology of science as they relate to the communication of scientific information.

Course Outline

Social Science

  1. Definition and Concept
  2. Reference material of Social Science
  3. Organization of Social Science
  4. Prominent personalities:  National / International



  1. Definition, Concept, Scope
  2. Relation with other subject
  3. Reference material of Social Science
  4. Organization of Social Science
  5. Prominent personalities:  National / International



1.         Definition, Concept, Scope

2.         Relation with other subject.

3.         Reference material of Social Science

4.         Organization of Social Science

5.         Prominent personalities:  National / International


Political Science

1.         Definition, Concept, Scope

2.         Relation with other subject.

3.         Reference material of Social Science

4.         Organization of Social Science

5.         Prominent personalities:  National / International






1.         Definition, Concept, Scope

2.         Relation with other subject.

3.         Reference material of Social Science

4.         Organization of Social Science

5.         Prominent personalities:  National / International



1.         Definition, Concept, Scope

2.         Relation with other subject.

3.         Reference material of Social Science

4.         Organization of Social Science

5.         Prominent personalities:  National / International



1.         Definition, Concept, Scope

2.         Relation with other subject.

3.         Reference material of Social Science

4.         Organization of Social Science

5.         Prominent personalities:  National / International


New Roles of Libraries and Librarians in Supporting Researchers in the Social Sciences and Islam: The Impact of New Technology




  1. Definition and Concept, Scope
  2. Relation with other subject
  3. Reference material of Islam
  4. Organization of Islam
  5. Prominent personalities:  National / International


Course Schedule


Topics and Readings


Overview about the course and Basic Concepts of Social Sciences


Main Disciplines of Social Sciences


Goals, Objectives and scope of Social Sciences


Role of Libraries in Social Sciences Research


Information Sources in Social Sciences (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary)


New Roles for Librarians in Supporting Researchers in the Social Sciences: The Impact of New Technology


Sociology, Education and their Literature


Mid Term


Political Science, Psychology and their Literature


History, Geography and their Literature


Economics, Anthropology and their Literature


Statistics, Criminology and their Literature


Information need and seeking behavior of Social Scientist


Definition, Concept and Scope of Islam


Relation of Islam with others subjects


References Materials of Islam


Organizations and Prominent Personalities of Islam


Final Term



Research Projects: 

Students will be assigned topics in the class from the contents and will present their topics before the class.

Evaluation/ Assessment criteria:

Sessional:  20 Marks

Class Attendance: 5 Marks

Presentation/Assignment: 8 Marks

Class Participation/ Discussions:  2 Marks

Quizzes: 5 Marks

Mid Term: 30 Marks

Final exam: 50 Marks





Class Timings:

Regular Class:

Wednesday: 08:00 To 09:30 AM

Friday: 08:00 To 09:30 AM


80% class attendance is necessary to enter in exams.

Students are highly encouraged to participate in class discussions, but, whenever practicing it, they would have to raise their hands and talk at their turn.

Students have right to contact teacher for any assistance in their studies either through email or personal meeting during prescribed consulting office hours.

Students are not allowed to use cell phones in class.

Teaching Methodology

The course will be conducted as a combination of lecture, discussion, and presentation methods.  Students will be expected to do extensive reading for each topic and engage in meaningful class discussion.

Course Material