Aims & Objectives:

The aim of this course is to make readers understand some important literary expression in prose works other than short stories & novel. The objective of this course is to educate students on the English literary style of argumentation by great English Essayists in the history of English Literature.

Following essays are chronologically arranged, so these would be taught respectively. Introduction would also be given on writers’ other works too.


Course Contents   

SIR FRANCIS BACON                   Of Truth, Of Revenge, Of Ambition, Of Studies,     Of Great Place, Of Friendship, Of Adversity, Of Simulation & Dissimulation

JONATHAN SWIFT                        Gulliver’s Travels Book-I, IV


CHARLES LAMB                           Dream Children

                                                            Poor Relation

                                                            A New Year’s Evening

JOHN RUSKIN                                Work




Recommended Readings

  • Carr, B. (1975). Bertrand Russell: An Introduction. George Allen and Unwin.
  • Hawkins, M. J. (1972). Introduction in Francis Bacon: Essays. JM Dent and Sons.
  • Rawson, C. J. (1973). Gulliver and the Gentle Reader. Routledge and Kegan Paul.
  • Russel, B. (1940). Introduction in An Inquiry Into meaning and Truth. George Allen and Unwin.
  • Speck, W.A. (1970). Swift.  Arco.
  • Vichers, B. (1978). Francis Bacon and Renaissance Prose.  Longman
  • Williams, K. (1969). Jonathan Swift. George Allen and Unwin
  • Williams, K. (1970). Swift the Critical Heritage. Routledge and Kegan Paul


Class Timings and Days( Fall 20202)


BS-III (Regular) wed to Fri 10am to 11am

BS-III (SS-I) wed to Fri 11am to 12am

BS-III (SS-II) Mon to Tue12:30pm to 2pm


Assesment Criteria

  • Mid Term : 30 Marks
  • Project: 10
  • Presentation:05
  • Class Participation :05
  • Final Term:50 

Research Project

Long written assignment

 Rules and Regulations

Maintenance of 75% of attendance

Regularity in assignments and class tasks

Maintenance of moral decorum



Course Material