
Class:MA-II Course Code:ENG-511

Credit Hours: 6 (Reg+SS-1)

Instructor: IQRA JABEEN

Email: [email protected]


The course is intended to make readers understand some important literary expression in prose works other than short stories & novel. The objective of the study is to familiarize the students with a wide range of functional and non-functional styles in English prose. Mill’s, Russell’s, Edward Said’s and other prominent authors’ prose styles are analyzed in relation to the contemporary thought and philosophy.


The students are acquainted with a variety of prose texts and themes imbedded in them. It helps to develop in them a critical comprehension of both factual and analytical perspectives of selected works. The course also enables the students to explore elements of styles and themes in a prose text and reproduce them.


J.S MILL                                          On Liberty

THOMAS CARLYLE                    Hero and Hero Worship

BERTRAND RUSSELL                Philosophy of Politics

                                                            The Future of Mankind

                                                            Philosophy for layman

                                                            Functions of a Teacher

                                                            Ideas that have helped mankind

                                                            Ideas that have harmed mankind

EDWARD SAID                             Introduction to Culture and Imperialism


  1. Scott James, R. A. (1951). Fifty years of English literature, 1900-1950. Longmans, Green.
  2. Evans, B. I. (1951). English literature between the wars. Methuen.
  3. De Sola Pinto, V. (1966). Crisis in English poetry, 1880-1940 (Vol. 1260). Harper & Row.
  4. Williams, C. (2016). Poetry at present. Wipf and Stock Publishers.
  5. Brooks, C. (1965). Modern poetry and the tradition. Oxford University Press.
  6. Carr, B. (1975). Bertrand Russell: An Introduction. George Allen and Unwin.
  7. Carlyle, T. (1965). Sartor Resartus On Hero and Hoero Worship. London: Aldine press.
  8. Buchanan, I. (2010). Oxfor Dictionary of Critical Throry. New York: Oxford University Press.
  9. Rehman, T. (2010). Language policy, Identity, and Religion. Islamabad: Quaid-e-Azam University,Pakistan.

Note: Reading list would be updated according to the needs and availability of the books and articles 


Days of Class:Wed to Friday

Timings of Class:

8am-9am (Reg)





Mid Term: 30

Project: 10

Presentation: 5

Participation: 5

Final exam: 50



Course Material