Course Code: ENTO-5101   Credit Hours: 3(2-1)


The students will learn during the course:

  1. Introduction and history of Entomology
  2. Nomenclature and classification of Insects
  3. Insect orders and identification of Insects

The goal of this course is to introduce students to the world of insects so that they can gain a better appreciation for the role they play in the scheme of life. The course surveys insect structure, function, development, and evolution. Relevant insect physiology, ecology, and behavior are introduced. An introduction to the biology and classification of insects. The laboratory surveys include the collection of insect orders and their identification.


  1. Ahmad, I.1970. Hashriat “Insects” National Book Foundation, Lahore.
  2. Lohar, M.K. 1998. Introductory Entomology, Kashif Publications, Hyderabad, Pakistan.
  3. Tonapi, G.T., 1994. Experimental Entomology, An Aid to Lab. and Field Studies. C.B.S. Publishers and Distributors, Delhi.
  4. Mani, M.S ., 1990. General Entomology 4th ed. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
  5. Richards, O.W., and R.G. Davies, 1984. Imm’s General Text-book of Entomology, Vol. I and II, 10th ed. Chapman & Hall, London, N.Y.
  6. Shahid, M. 1984. Lab Manual of General Entomology. National Book Foundation, Pakistan.
  7. Elzinga, R.T. 2003. Fundamentals of Entomology. Prentice-Hall. ISBN 0130480304.
  8. Johnson, N.F., Triplehorn, C.A. Borror, and Delong’s. 2004. Introduction to the study of Insects. 7th Ed, Brooks Cole.
  9. Pedigo, L.P., 2002. Entomology and Pest Management 4th ed. Prentice and Hall Intl. Limited, London.
  10. Triplehorn, C. A., and N. F. Johnson. 2005. Study of Insects 7th ed. Thomson Learning Inc. USA.
  11. Yousuf, M., 2007. Manual of Introductory Entomology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.
  12. Arthur, V. E., 2007. Field Guide to Insects and Spiders of North America. National Wildlife Federation. STERLING. New York/ London.
  13. Dhaliwal, G. S. 2009. An Outline of Entomology 2nd ed. Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi.



  1. Introduction
  2. Phylum Arthropoda and its classification
  3. Metamorphosis and its types
  4. External and internal morphology and physiology with a particular reference to typical insect, ‘ak’ grasshopper, Poekilocerus pictus
  5. Insect classification and nomenclature
  6. Salient characters of insect orders with important families and examples of important members


  1. Characters of classes of Arthropoda
  2. Collection and preservation of insects
  3. Morphology and dissection of a typical insect (digestive, reproductive, excretory, nervous, circulatory and tracheal systems)
  4. Temporary mounts of different types of appendages of insects
  5. Observations for types of metamorphosis

Assessment Criteria:

  • Assignments and Sessional Marks:                              20%
  • Mid Term Exam:                                                            30%
  • Final Term Exam (including Practical):                          50%
  • Note: 75% of class attendance is must for each student.



Course Material