Introduction: Radiation biology is the study of the action of ionizing radiation on living organisms. The action is very complex, involving physics, chemistry, and biology, Different types of ionizing radiation Energy absorption at the atomic and molecular level leads to biological damage – Repair of damage in living organisms. Basic principles are used in radiation therapy with the objective to treat cancer with minimal damage to the normal tissues The course provides basic knowledge on radiation biological effects and risks from cells to humans as well as in-depth knowledge of radiation protection of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, introducing students  to radiobiology, radioisotopes and types of radiations and sources, effects of radiations on living cells, exposure and dose-effect, molecular basis of cellular effects and cell radiation sensitivity, radiation therapy, radiation protection, safety measures, treatment of radiation injuries, aspects and relationship of imaging physics and radiobiology. The course also familiarizes the students with radiological technologies, labeling techniques, use of radioisotopes as diagnostic and therapeutic tools. Radiation sensitivity and tolerance is evaluated based on normal tissue architecture and kinetics. The mechanisms of radiobiological damage, radiation effects are elucidated. The impact of time, dose, and fractionation on tumor control and radiation effects are clarified and related to established and newer treatment modalities, including combination therapies and emerging technologies.

On the end of course students will be able to understand :

  • Basics of radiobiology
  • Types of radiations and its effects
  • Relationship b/w  imaging physics and radiobiology
  • Health risks due to radiation biology and radiological damage

Suggested books: 

  1. Kieran, M. & Fergus, R. (2013). Interventional neuroradiology. London: Springer-Verlag London Ltd.
  2. Abass, A., Ghassan, E., Marnix, G.E. &Stephen, S. (2019). Evolving role of pet in interventional radiology based procedures: an issue of pet clinics. Edinburgh: Elsevier - Health Sciences Division.
  3. UNITED NATIONS SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE ON THE EFFECTS OF ATOMIC RADIATIONS UNSCEAR, Hereditary effects of ionising radiation. United Nations, New York (2001).
  4. WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION: Health effects of the Chernobyl accident and special health care programmes. Eds: B. BENNETT, M. REPACHOLI, Z. CARR, WHO, Geneva (2006).

Assessment Criteria

 Sessional+ Presentations: 15

Practicals: 25

Mid Term Exam: 15

Final Exam: 45

Weekly Study Plan


Course contents


Introduction to radiobiology


Radioisotopes and types of radiations


Sources and effects of radiations on living cells


Molecular basis of cellular effects and cell radiation sensitivity


Radiation therapy, radiation protection


 Safety measures, treatment of radiation injuries


Aspects and relationship of imaging physics and radiobiology


Current regulation and recommendations in radiations in radiation biology


Mid Term


Current regulation and recommendations in radiations in radiation biology


Radiological technologies


Use of radioisotopes as diagnostic and therapeutic tools


Computational approaches in molecular radiation biology


Health risks due to radiation biology,


Diagnostic radiology


Radiobiological damage, oxygenation, fractionation


Cell and tissue radiosensitivity.


Final term

Course Material