The main aim of this course is the study of Arabic literature in the Sub-continent which showers light on the advent of Islam in the said area, its inclination with the habitants of this place, impact of Arabs and Arabic Literature on the people ,their trend towards adaptation of Arab language and then excelling in it through poetry and prose along with their sample work. Study of the Arabic Literature in the Sub-continent will freshen the students with the contribution of this piece of land in the field of Arabic and they will be aware about the role of figures involved in the poetry and prose which will be helpful in highlighting the Sub-continent in the Arab World and to strengthen ties with them fruitfully.
Course Pre requisites:
Learning outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Text Books:
1-د/خالقداد ملك، الادب العربى فى شبه القارة، آزاد بك دبو،لاهور
2-عبدالحى الحسنى، الثقافة الاسلامية فى الهند، مجمع اللغة العربية، دمشق
Evaluation System:
Mid Term =30 marks
Sessional(Attendance, Assignments, Projects, Presentations etc)=20 marks
Final Term=50 marks