
This course will enable the students to understand and conceptualize the administrative law from the perspective of its link with government, citizen and the exercise of the governmental authority. In doing so, the course takes account of the principles of administrative law as developed in the common law, and focuses on the judicial application of the established principles using constitutional law and its framework for the accountability of the governmental action. Thus, this course seeks to cultivate the debate of the principles of administrative law, administrative action, and judicial review and advances the underlined pragmatic approach for the protection of the individual rights from unjust and unfair application of governmental authority.

Course Description:

The course consists of basic principles of common law conceptions of law, rule of law, control of authority and power, reasonable exercise of legislative, judicial, and administrative authority entrusted to the government. The protection of individual rights and liberties and the need for judicial review of administrative action form the basic core of this course. The classification of administrative action as legislative, executive, and judicial action including the exercise of discretion and delegated authority will mutually draw on the kinds of judicial review of different modes of the exercise of authority and power. The scope of remedies available for securing citizen’s individual rights expounds the importance of the subject.

The course level learning goals:

To achieve the course level learning goals the student will be able to:

1: Recognize the wider and narrow conception of the administrative law.

2: Classify the governmental actions, and determine correlation of government’s authority, power, and exercise of discretion to the idea of citizen's individual rights.

3: Demystify the concept of judicial review while underscoring the administration of power and to expound the judicial principles for the protection of citizen's individual rights.

4: Judge the need of discretionary power and determine the role of judicial review when it demands natural justice and the reasonableness standards in the exercise of authority.

5: Determine the nature and kinds of administrative action to interpret different levels of judicial review as an intervention for the protection of citizen's individual and collective rights.

Recommended Books:

1: Administrative Law: H.W.R Wade

2: Principles of Administrative Law: Griffith, J. A. G.

3: Principles of Administrative law: Hamid Khan.

4: Principles of Administrative law: Yardley, D.C.M.

5: Administrative law:Foulkes David

6: Civil Services Law and Practice: Masul ul Hassan

7: Manual of Civil Services : Janjua, Z.I.

8: Civil Services Laws, Nisar Ahmad.

Description of system of evaluation:

Total Marks: 100

Midterm exam / term paper: 30

Sessional activities such as presentations, quizz and assignments: 20

Final exam / term paper: 50

Key dates and time of class meetings:

LLB 5years 2017-22 Regular Section A:

Monday: 09:30am to 11:00 am

Wednesday: 11:00am to 12:30 pm

LLB 5years 2017-22 Regular Section B:

Monday     : 14:00pm to 15:30 pm

Wednesday: 14:00pm to 15:30 pm

Midterm Exam: 8th Week of the semester

Final Exam: 16th Week of the semester

Course Material