Physics is the science of Nature - of matter and energy in space and time. Physics is very dependent on mathematics. Models and theories in physics are expressed using mathematical equations. However, while physics uses mathematics to describe the material world, mathematics may deal with strictly abstract concepts and patterns. There is a large overlap between the two fields.
Recommended Books:
1.Giancoli, Douglas C, Physics for scientist and Engineers with modern Physics, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall Inc, 1988.
2.Beiser A, concepts of modern physics, 4th edition, McGraw-Hill Book Co, 1987.
3.Sear and zemansky, University physics with modern Physics, 12th edi, pearson, 2008.
4.Fundamental of Physics, Jearl walker, 8th edition.
5.Physics, Resnic, Halliday, Krane, 4th edition volume 1 .
Vector Analysis , Particle Dynamics , Work , Power and Energy , System of Particles , Collisions, Waves and Oscillations , Harmonic Oscillations , Waves in Physical Media, Sound Light Interface , diffraction , Polarization .
Classes Timings
BS Maths Regular 09:30 AM - 11:00 AM
BS Maths-SS1 02:00 PM - 03:30 PM
BS Maths Regular 09:30 AM - 11:00 AM
BS Maths-SS1 12:30 PM - 02:00PM
BS Maths-SS1 09:00 AM - 11:00 AM
BS Maths Regular 02:00 PM - 04:00PM
Assessment criteria:
Sessional: 20% (Presentation: 10% Assignment: 10%)
Mid Term: 30%
Final exam: 30%
Lab: 20%
Week 1-2: Vector Analysis , addition of vectors –Graphical method, Adding vectors by components, Projecticle motion.Particle Dynamics , Force , Newtons’s First law, 2nd law and 3rd law of motion, weight-the force of gravity and normal force , problems with Newtos Laws
Week 3-4: Work , Workdone by constant force , Workdone by varying force,Power and Energy , Kinetic energy and work energy principle, kinetic energy at very high speed
Week 5-6: System of Particles , Two particles Systems , Many Particle systems, Center of mass of solid Objects.Linear momentum of Particle, Linear momentum of systems of Particles, Conservation of linear momentum , Work and energy in system of Particles.
Week 7-8: Collisions and Impulse, Conservation of energy and momentum in collisions, Elastic collision in one dimention.Inelastic collisions , collisions in two and three dimentions, senter of mass, center of mass and translational motion , system of variable mass.
Week 9-10: Waves and Oscillations , Characteristics of waves motion , waves types, Energy transported by waves.Harmonic Oscillations , Mathematical representation of travelling waves, The wave equation ,The principle of superposition
Week 11-12: Waves in Physical Media, Reflection and tranmission, interference, Standing Waves, Resonance , Refraction.Oscilations, Oscilations of a spring, Simple Harmonic motion , Energy in the simple harmonic oscilator , simple harmonic motion related to uniform circular motion .
Week 13-14: The simple pendulum, The physical pendulum and torsion pendulum , Damped harmonic motion , forced vibrations;Resonance.Sound Light Interface .
Week 15-16: Diffraction .Polarization.