The course illustrates the fundamental aspects of atomic and molecular physics, and we will use quantum mechanics at different levels to understand the structure and dynamics of both atoms and molecules.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this course, students should be able to:

  • Understand the electronic structure of atoms and molecules, and how these will interact with electromagnetic waves. 
  • Describe the atomic spectra of one and two valance electron atoms.
  • Explain the change in behavior of atoms in external applied electric and magnetic field.
  • Gain an ability of basic problems analyzing and solving in Physics of atoms and molecules
  • Realize a role and practical application of physics of atoms and molecules in the modern world.


The Thomson model, The Rutherford model, Alpha-Particle Scattering, Electron orbits, Sommerfeld model, Atomic Spectra of hydrogen atom, Nuclear Motion and Reduced Mass, The Correspondence principle, The Frank-Hertz Experiments, The Stern-Gerlach Experiments, Quantum Theory of the Hydrogen Atom, Quantum numbers, Total Quantum numbers, Orbital Quantum number, Magnetic Quantum Number, Spin-orbit interaction, Exclusion principle, Electron configuration in many electron-atoms, Hund’s rules, Coupling of angular momenta, LS-coupling, jj-coupling, Origin of Spectral lines, Selection Rules, One electron Spectra, Two-electron Spectra, Relative intensities in a multiple, X-ray spectra, Atoms in Magnetic and Electric fields, Space quantization, Magnetic moment and Bohr Magneton, Zeeman Effect, Paschen-Back effect, Stark effect, Molecular Physics: The chemical bond, Molecular formation, Electron sharing, The H2 molecular ion, The linear combination of atomic orbits method, The H2 molecule, The ionic bond, Theories of bonding, The valence-bond approach, Molecular orbits, Molecular Spectra (Diatomic Molecules): Rotational energy levels spectra,  Vibrational energy levels, Vibration-Rotation spectra, Electron spectra, Dissociation energy, Pre-dissociation energy, Frank-Condon principle

Recommended Books

1.      Atomic and Quantum Physics by H. Haken and H. C. Wolf, Springer, (1994)

2.      Perspective of Modern Physics by Beiser, McGraw-Hill, (1988)

3.      Atomic Physics, C. J. Foot, Oxford University Press, (2005).

Suggested Books

1.      Spectrophysics by Anne, P. Thorn, 2nd ed. Chapman and Hall, (1988).

2.      Physics of atoms and molecules by B.H. Bransden and C.J.Joachain, Longmans, London, (1983).

3.      Introduction to Atomic Spectra by White McGraw-Hill, (1986)

4.      Principles of Modern Physics by R. B. Leighton (Latest Ed.).

5.      Fundamentals of Modern Physics by R. M. Eisberg, (John Wiley and Sons).


  • Sessional: 20 (Presentation / Assignment 10, Attendance 05, Quiz 05)
  • Mid-Term Exam: 30
  • Final-Term Exam: 50

Time of Class Meeting

Monday to Wednesday                 9:00 am to 10:00 am

Key Dates

Commencement of Classes                                                   October 13, 2020

Mid Term Examination                                                            December 14 to 18, 2020

Final Term Examination                                                          February 08 to 12, 2021

Declaration of Result                                                            February 19, 2021

Course Material