The main objective of this course is to provide a strong mathematical and conceptual foundation in the methods of Bayesian statistics, with an emphasis on practical aspects of the interpretation and communication of statistically based conclusions in research. Bayesian methods which allow for inclusion of relevant problem-specific knowledge in to the formation of one’s statistical model.


Introduction to Bayesian Statistics, Benifits of Bayesian Statistics, Application of Bayesian Statistics, Prior information, prior distributions and its types, methods of elicitation of prior distributions, Posterior distributions: The posterior mean, median and mode,  Bayes estimators under loss functions and variances of univariate and bivariate posterior distributions, noninformative priors: methods of elicitation of noninformative factor; Bayesian Hypothesis Testing: Bayes factor; the highest density region; posterior probability of the hypothesis.

Recommended Books

  1. Bolstad, W. M., & Curran, J. M. (2016). Introduction to Bayesian statistics. John Wiley & Sons.
  2. Berger, J. O. (2013). Statistical decision theory and Bayesian analysis. Springer Science & Business Media.

Distribution of Marks:

Mid Exam:           30
Final exam:         50
Sessional (Assignment,Presentation,Participation,Attendance,Quizes)    20

Scheduled on:      
MSc:     Tuesday(10:00-11:00)      Wednesday(12:00-1:00)    Thursday(8:00-9:00)


Week Topics and Readings
1 Bayesian Statistics introduction
2 Application of Bayesian Statistics
3 Benifits of Bayesian Statistics
4  Prior information and Prior distributions
5 Prior distributions types
6  Posterior distributions: The posterior mean, median and mode
7 Loss functions
8 Bayes estimators under loss functions
9  Variances of univariate posterior distributions
10 Variances of bivariate posterior distributions
11 Methods of elicitation of prior distributions
12 Methods of elicitation of non informative factor
13  Bayesian Hypothesis Testing
14 Bayes factor
15 The highest density region
16 Posterior probability of the hypothesis.

Course Material