This course will provide an opportunity for participants to establish or advance their understanding of research through critical exploration of research language, ethics, and approaches. The course introduces the language of research, ethical principles and challenges, and the elements of the research process within quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods approaches. Participants will use these theoretical underpinnings to begin to critically review literature relevant to their field or interests and determine how research findings are useful in forming their understanding of their work, social, local and global environment .


  • Understand research terminology
  • Be aware of the ethical principles of research, ethical challenges and approval processes
  • Describe quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods approaches to research
  • Identify the components of a literature review process
  • Critically analyze published research


Definition of Research, Types of Research, Selection of Problem, Search of References, Formation of Hypothesis and Procedure for its Testing,Research Methodology, Planning of Experiments to Test Hypothesis Objectivity, Principals of Experimental Design, Steps in Experimentation,Collection of Data, Data Analysis to Determine Functional Relationship Between Variables, Levels of Significance, Interpretation of Results,Components of Scientific Reports and Various Methods of Data Presentation,Preparation of Scientific Reports, Publication Procedures. 

Reading Texts:

Creswell, J. W. (2018). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches. 5th Ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Babbie, E. R. (2007). The basics of social research (4th ed.). Australia: Thomson/Wadsworth.

Distribution of Marks:
Mid Exam:           30

Final exam:         50
Sessional (Assignment,Presentation,Participation,Attendance,Quizes)    20
Scheduled on:      

BS VII (R):               Monday (09:00-10:30)     Thursday (09:00-10:30) 

Week  Topics and Readings
1-2 Definition of Research, Types of research, Data and its types, validity and reliability.
3-4 Identification of problem, literature review, search of reference. Different styles of citation and references.
5-6 Research methodology, Formation of research hypothesis, Procedures for testing.
7-8 Planning of Experiments to Test Hypothesis Objectivity.
9-10 Principals of Experimental Design.
11-12 Steps in Experimentation, Collection of Data, Data Analysis to Determine Functional Relationship between Variables. Levels of Significance, Interpretation of Results, Components of Scientific Reports.
13-14 Various Methods of Data Presentation, Preparation of Scientific Reports, Publication Procedures.
15-16 Format of book, research paper, research report and dissertation.


Course Material