The aim of this course is to deliver the applicable knowledge about Statistics and Experimental Design, which can apply in different fields of study and to develop a skills on the data collection from a designed experiment, description measures of data, interpretation of results, and decision making. It deals with the model estimation of parameters of Factorial Experiments, 2n, 3n… Pn and mixed levels factorial experiments and its applications in different fields. This covers Confounding and its types, Fractional replication, Quasi-Latin squares, Split-plot, Split Split plot, split block and Incomplete Block Designs. Models and applications of 1st and 2nd order response surface designs are part of the contents.

  1. To impart basic and applied knowledge about Experimental Design and its applications in different fields.
  2. To impart skills on the data collection, description measures of data interpretation of results, and decision making


Factorial Experiments: 2k, 3k series and mixed level factorial experiments and their analyses. Confounding in factorial experiments, Complete and partial confounding, Confounding in Fractional replications, Quasi-Latin square designs. Split-plot, split block, split-split plot, strip plot and nested designs. Missing observations in Split plot design. Incomplete block designs: BIBD - Lattice designs, lattice square, PBIBD with recovery of intra-block information. Introduction of response surface methods: First and Second order designs. Central composite designs. Fitting of response surface models and estimation of optimum/maximum response.

  1. Montgomery, D.C. (2000). “Design and Analysis of Experiments”, 7th ed., John Wiley, New York.
  2. Clarke, G. M., & Kempson, R. E. (1994). “Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Experiments”. Wiley.

Distribution of Marks:

Mid Exam:           30
Final exam:         50
Sessional (Assignment,Presentation,Participation,Attendance,Quizes)    20

Scheduled on:      
BS (R):     Monday(11:00-12:30)      Tuesday(11:00-12:30)    Thursday(11:00-12:00)
BS (SS):    Tuesday(12:30-01:30)     Wednesday(12:30-02:00)  Thursday(12:30-02:00)






Experimental design (an introduction), Main Steps in designing an Experiment.

Design and Analysis of Experiments by Montgomery DC,,Ch-1


Factorial Experiment and its Types

Design and Analysis of Experiments by Montgomery DC,,,Ch-6


Fractional Factorial Experiment and its Types

Design and Analysis of Experiments by Montgomery DC,,Ch-8


Major Concept of Confounding

Design and Analysis of Experiments by Montgomery DC,,,Ch-7


Complete Confounding

Design and Analysis of Experiments by Montgomery DC,,Ch-7


Partial Confounding

Design and Analysis of Experiments by Montgomery DC,,Ch-7


Complete and Partial Confounding in 2^k and 3^k Factorial Experiment.

Design and Analysis of Experiments by Montgomery DC,,Ch-7


Quasi Latin Square Design

Design and Analysis of Experiments by Montgomery DC


Incomplete Block Design

Design and Analysis of Experiments by Montgomery DC,,,Ch-4


Balanced Incomplete Block Design (B.I.B.D)

Design and Analysis of Experiments by Montgomery DC,,,,Ch-4


Partially Balanced Incomplete Block Design (P.B.I.B.D)

Design and Analysis of Experiments by Montgomery DC,,Ch-4


Split Plot Design

Design and Analysis of Experiments by Montgomery DC,,,Ch-14


Split-Split Plot Design

Design and Analysis of Experiments by Montgomery DC,,,,Ch-14


Split-Strip Plot Design

Design and Analysis of Experiments by Montgomery DC,,,Ch-14


Lattice Design

Design and Analysis of Experiments by Montgomery DC


Response Surface Methodology.

Design and Analysis of Experiments by Montgomery DC,,,,Ch-11


Course Material