This course is designed to develop prospective teachers’ awareness and understanding of education in Pakistan. Prospective teachers will develop their knowledge about different aspects of development of education keeping in view different aspects of development of education. Keeping in view different stages like pre primary education, elementary education, secondary education and higher education. In this process current policy and programs will also be studied. Teacher educator will ensure that different components of education like management etc, and statistical awareness, major issues and challenges are also taken into consideration.


At the end of this course, the students will be able to:

  • Understand schooling structure at different levels in Pakistan

  • Decipher the nature and purpose of education in the pre and post independence period

  • Delineate the historic roots and subsequent development of pre service teacher education in Pakistan

  • Evaluate education in Pakistan in the light of current educational policy

  • Critically analyze educational development at different levels of education i.e. pre primary education, primary education, secondary education.

  • Evaluate the issues and challenges in higher education


  • Al-Naqib-Attas, Syed Muhammad (1979). Aims and Objectives of Education, Jeddah: King Abdul Aziz Univeristy

  • Iqbal, Muhammd (1999).The reconstruction of religious thought in Islam, Lahore: Sheikh Muhammd Ashraf

  • John, S. Brubacher (1987). Modern Philosophies of Education, New Delhi: McGraw hill

  • Mansoor, A.Qureshi (1983). Some aspects of Muslim Education, Lahore: Universal books

  • Shami, P. A. (2011) Education in Pakistan. Urdu Print.


Research Report                                             30%

Presentation                                                    20%

Final paper                                                      50%


Course Material