Prepare to work as a journalist in today's newsrooms where the online and digital platforms are as important as traditional print or broadcast platforms. Learn the latest trends in multimedia storytelling and production. Build storytelling skills in each medium used for multimedia production. Learn how to use digital tools to collect and combine audio, still photographs, video, text and graphics to accurately tell a story for online distribution. Apply online publishing skills to disseminate work. This course will equip the students with both the theory and practice of online journalism. It will provide an understanding of the specificities of online media.
Course Pre-requisites
Learning Outcomes
Recommended Books
Evaluation Criteria
Sessional (attendance + presentations + assignments + participations): 20
Mid-term exam: 30
Final exam: 50
Day Time
Monday 9:30-11:00
Tuseday 9:30-11:00
Thursday 1:30-3:00
Friday 3:30-5:00
Rules and Regulations